
Advice & 



I am a certified astrosophist or archetypes coach. My completed training, the Archetypical Combination Theory (ATKL) according to Randolf Schäfer, is based on astrosophy. 

Astrosophy is not astrology, the former belongs to hermeticism which includes the immemorial knowledge of ancient people (e.g. the myths from antiquity or the traditions from Atlantic cultures) and therefore the laws of the creation of human life. For example, C.G. Jung borrowed his theory of archetypes from there. 

Archetypes are primal forces of being, certain qualities and energies that prevail in this world. If you put these energies together, we have a combination - the ATKL.

Your Birth Chart

You probably already know the zodiac on which our star signs are based. For example, if you were born in March, you are either Pisces or Aries, etc. Using this system, I also look at your birth pattern, among other things. 

Your birth pattern is a snapshot of all the planetary constellations at the time of your birth. Depending on where the planets are positioned at birth, they create a story. It accompanies you throughout your life and remains unchanged. It is your individual soul plan with all energies and powers (such as the skills you bring with you, but also your learning tasks). 

Every person has one and accordingly everyone is completely different and has a completely different nature than the other. They are individual topics that each soul has chosen. That's what makes my work so exciting.

You've come to the right place if you ...

How does a consultation work?

In a 20-minute introductory conversation via FaceTime, we will see each other for the first time and talk about your concerns. What topics are on your mind? If we want to continue on the path together, we will make another appointment for the consultation.

Before the consultation, I will send you areas of life, from which you can choose three that we will focus on in the conversation. During the consultation itself, we will discuss your issues and your birth chart together. We create a space full of trust - I listen to you with an open heart and communicate your soul's desires to you. Depending on which package you book, a conversation lasts from 60 to 180 minutes.

After the consultation, you will receive an audio file as a recording from me as well as a written summary of the findings. This is included in every package so that you have access to everything at any time. Maybe you also know that sometimes you can't hear everything at once in the moment, but you're all the more grateful to be able to listen again at another time.


Basic-Analysis of your Birth Chart

Would you like to find out more about yourself and your soul? Are you already living your soul plan? In this consultation you will find out what your soul plans to do with you in this life. You will receive an all-round analysis of your being from me, where we will focus in more detail on three areas of life.

Duration: 60-120 minutes

Compensation: $385.00

Time-Analysis of your Birth Chart

Is your life a little different now than it was a while ago? Do you feel a different energy? Are strange things happening and you're not sure why? In this consultation I will look at your birth pattern as it is today and explain to you the energies that are particularly affecting you right now. We look at when different energies came into your life, how long they will be there and how you can best deal with them. The prerequisite for this is a basic analysis of your birth chart.

Duration: 60-120 minutes

Compensation: $385.00

Couple-Analysis: Synastry & Composite of your Birth Charts together

A relationship is one of the most beautiful but also most challenging things there is. We have a mirror of ourselves in front of us and at the same time we can practice love, openness and mercy towards others. It's completely normal to have questions and problems that sometimes you can't solve on your own. If you want to know how your souls fit together, what strengths and weaknesses you have in common and what goals and ideas you can pursue to be happier and more fulfilled in your relationship, this couples counseling is the right thing for you.

Duration: 90-180 minutes

Compensation: $540.00

Family-Analysis: Synastry & Composite of your Birth Charts together

We don't always understand our children and react out of ignorance, stress or our own wounds that have not yet healed. However, the souls of our children have their own tasks here in this world and in this consultation we will look at your child's birth pattern together to find out how you can interact with each other more harmoniously and understandingly. The prerequisite for this is the basic analysis of the birth chart of the mother or father.

Duration: 90-180 minutes

Compensation: $540.00

Who am I?

I am Romina, a soul in this world - just like you. Since I was little, I have felt that there is an old soul inside me that wants to lead other souls into their truth. I have always been highly sensitive and looking for answers about what life exactly means. What purpose do we all pursue? And why does everyone understand life differently? 

These deeper questions of meaning occupy and accompany me. Astrosophy touched my soul and brought me closer to my own truth. If you are also longing for more answers, contact me and we will find out your truth together. Because that is exactly what my soul's mission is here.

My Resume


Bachelor of Arts - Public Administration @ HWR Berlin


Internship @
Berlin Police


Internship @
BMEL Berlin


Astrosophy & Archetypes Coach Training @
Randolf Schäfer


Emotional & Mental Detox Coach Training @
Claudia Klug


Year abroad in Australia


Skydive in Airlie Beach Australia


Paragliding in Cape Town


Hypnosis Therapy @ Heart Hypnosis Berlin


Living abroad in Mexico


1:1 Coaching with
Claudia Klug


Salsa dance class @
La Candela Berlin


Living abroad in Spain


Lionheart @
Laura Malina Seiler


Rise Up & Shine Uni @
Laura Malina Seiler


Lucid Dreaming @
The Lucid Dreamers


Human Design @
Self Discovery Academy


Spirit Guide @
Gordon Smith


High Sensitivity @
Jessica Stellwag


Heart Wide Open @
Laura Malina Seiler
